Tuesday, January 25, 2011


A lovely new purchase has put a smile on my face today! Im sure it may muster up a sense of jealousy in a few of you too. I am now the owner of a brand spanking new Apple MacBook. Its amazing.
Anyway, its now enabled me to update my blog with pictures I have taken recently. So im going to post a lot of photos with a caption each. Im lazy. Shoot me!

"pete mosquite" ruins



crowds at waimea point

a MASSIVE wave around the point

lots of people for an event that didnt run

heavy pipe

the boys watching heavy pipe

sunset cruising

pineapple fields below the valley where the japs flew through under the radar to invade and destroy pearl harbour
the reward

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are good, they tell a thousand words, keep posting, cant wait to see more of you on some of the big pipes, love and miss you Dad
